Mind Your Head Co-op


A fascinating study out of Isreal that reveals what every person with brain injury intuitively discovers, even if we fight against it because sleep is “inactivity.” Far from being inactive, sleep, science is discovering, is part of God’s engineering that helps us heal and function as fully as possible.

Combine 8-10 hours of sleep (or more, as needed) per day with regular exercise, also shown to aid brain function and healing, and we are well on our way to a solid long-term brain injury healing plan!

May God startle you with joy!

#TBI #brain

Another aspect of #Godsengineering, floor living follows the precipt of removing cushioning and support for sitting and sleeping, and it's benifits can be profound. Positions such as cross-legged, squatting, kneeling, even leaning against a tree, insted of sitting in a chair in a position we weren't designed for, strengthens our core muscles, helps our muscles be limber and lithe and strong, and gives us better, stronger posture, all of which aid our motion when we are up and about, standing, walking, running, riding, working. Paired with going barefoot, our quality of life can be greatly improved through better body and mind function all the time.


New York and other states have now passed laws making it legal to kill a baby up until the navel is visible as s/he is being born. This is murder and evil and we are an abhorrent society to allow it, let alone have leaders who celebrate it.

What has this to do with brain injury? If society doesn't recognize the clear and established scientific facts that:


It was only a few years ago, around 2010 or so, after living with brain injury for eight years, that I began to understand more fully the extent of harm to my capacity adrenaline causes and just how long it takes to leave my system. I suspect most of us with bludgeoned brains feel the effects of adrenaline and friends (there is a slew of neurochemical stuff released that no one is really sure what all it does) without even realizing it for the simple reason that we are under constant bombardment from stimulation.